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100% Waveriding - Screws, cover
The ultimate wave riding foil. Each front wing has been worked specifically for its programme and provides extraordinary smoothness from foam to powerful wave. Tubercles and Winglets in Action
The use of tubercles (bumps) combined with winglets allows to optimise low range, stability and control even in the most disturbed and aerated waters.You have maximum confidence to dynamically “tip out” carve, whilst keeping full control. Adaptive design
Aspect ratio, sweep, dihedral and fuselage length have been developed specifically for each front foil size.
We have chosen to provide more longitudinal stability and high speed control for the smaller foils by lengthening the fuselage.
Similarly, a perfectly matched stabiliser has been developed for each front foil for a completely balanced setup. Rigid Mast/ Fuselage connexion
Conical assembly for the mast / fuselage connection which allows to keep the inertia of the refined fuselage.

The result, the whole is ultra rigid and optimised for a perfect fluid flow. Monoblock structure
The foils are directly moulded with the fuselage in one piece allowing a continuity of the carbon structural fibres while keeping a perfect hydrodynamic flow to maximise glide.

This process provides the necessary rigidity for a perfect transmission of rider input, unequalled control and ultra precise riding of the foil for simply the best performance. Silk 650
Surface 650 cm2
Span 720 mm
Aspect Ratio 8
Chord 115 mm
Thickness 13,7 mm
Construction UHM Carbon
Ideal for very advanced surf foil riders and very small riders, but also for wave riding wing foils. Works in kitefoil wave and tow in. Silk 850
Surface 850 cm2
Span 824 mm
Aspect Ratio 8
Chord 134 mm
Thickness 16 mm
Construction UHM Carbon
For excellent surf foilers and wing foilers in intermediate wind and wave conditions. Can be used as a freewave kite foil.
Surface 1050 cm2
Span 916 mm
Aspect Ratio 8
Chord 150 mm
Thickness 17,9 mm
Construction UHM Carbon
For advanced riders looking to perform in lighter surf foil and wingsurf conditions.