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Airush Freewing Air V2 6m USED


Condition - 4/10 (Very slow leak in Main)

What we have to say about he FreeWing V2:

We received a few V2 demos we passed them onto our wing squad. The answer was pretty unanimous, compared to the wings they tried the free wing was there favorite. Well balanced, handles in correct places with good power!


The FreeWing AIR is designed for wing foil beginners to down-the-line wing surfers. The deep narrow and forward window position is designed for you to see clearly where you are heading and now with the new aft windows on the bigger sizes ensures your safety while having a great time on the water. The center strut is extra wide where it meets the leading edge strut, making that connection rigid for more power and stability. Yes, you can now ride faster with more control

For Wing Surfing – the wingtips are angled inward, avoiding the wing from touching the water’s surface when starting and surfing.

For Wing Foiling – the outline profile of the FreeWing AIR allows it to feel compact in your hands so, it’s easy to spin around and you can easily progress and learn new moves.

For Long Distance Wing Foiling – The FreeWing AIR is very easy to de-power and together with the harness line attachment points, less pressure is put on your arms and you can ride for longer.

With the size range from 2m – 8m, you can enjoy winging any day in all conditions from 7 knots to 50+ knots.